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See saved password in browser without any software

In many places where you need to input your password to gain access, authorize or confirm a transaction, whenever you type passwords into the input text box, the characters automatically turns into asterisks or bullets. This is to protect your password from straying eyes.
However, in situations that require you to know what lies behind those asterisks, we’ve got a simple trick to reveal the passwords on your web browsers.
These hidden passwords are disguised with the help of simple HTML and CSS. So just changing the value of something specific will easily reveal what’s behind those bullets or astericks. We’ll show you how this is done in Google Chrome and Firefox.
In any website which contains your saved password, right click on thepassword box and click on Inspect element.
Chrome Inspect Element
You’ll now notice the bottom quarter of your screen filled with codes. You only need to focus on the highlighted (in blue) part to reveal the password.
Chrome Code
Look for type="password" and double click on it. Replace the word ‘password’ with ‘text‘.
It should now look like type="text". Hit Enter.
Chrome Change Codes
After you’ve changed that, the text behind the asterisks or bullets will be revealed.
Reveal Password

Mozilla Firefox

To reveal the password in Firefox, first, right click the password box and selectInspect Element.
Firefox Inspect Element
A dark grey bar will appear at the bottom of the browser; click on the Markup Panel or hit Alt + M.
Firefox Code
It will reveal a few lines of codes; the line you want to focus at is thehighlighted line.
Firefox Code
Again, look for type="password" and double click on it. Replace the word ‘password’ with ‘text‘ so it looks like type="text". Then hit Enter.
Firefox Change Code
The password masked behind the asterisks or bullets will now be revealed.
Reveal Password


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