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Open Multiple Link In One Click.

Sometime we got such a situation that we need multiple links to
be opened together. Say, you are an owner or author of a blog or website that
supply different types of download e.g. movies, themes, software, wallpapers
etc, your web page must contain a clickable link. You might like to add more
than one link to be opened when visitor click on the link so that you can earn
more (by affiliate/ linkbucks/adfly) or increase page views etc. In that case
you can do this stuff with simple script. We need a little modification instead
of our regular html code to make open more than one link when visitor's click.

1.) Open One-Link In New Tab:
There are three type of code we have, the first one is simple as you know and it
will be only apply of <a> tag whereas second one have the same function but can
apply on any tags like <div, span, h1, h2, h3, p> etc. The third one is also
same as second one but it just contain few chracters more to be playble in old

<a href="" target="_blank">Open One Link New Tab</a>
 <a onclick="'');" >Open One Link New Tab</a>
 <a onclick="'');" >Open One Link 
New Tab</a>

2.) Open One-Link In Same Tab:
There are two type of code we have, the first one is simple as you know and it
will be only apply of <a> tag whereas second one have the same function but can
apply on any tags like <div, span, h1, h2, h3, p> etc.

<a href="" >Open One Link In Same Tab</a>
 <a onclick="location.href='';" >Open Link In Same 

3.) Open Two-Links:
This is a special code that will open your two links on one click in which one
will be in same tab and othre will be in new tab and it will be only apply of  <a> tag.

<a href="" 
onclick="location.href='';" target="_blank">Open Two 
Links With One Click</a>

1.) Just Change Your URL In The Above Code.
 2.) Change The Text Of Link Or Add Image Or Apply Anywhere.
3)  You must write your URL as like this format.
4.) Save And Done...


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