Lakhan Thapa Magar, a man of great courage could not tolerate it. He organized some youths from his area and began to protest against the government. Later Jung Bahadur Rana knew it and sent his troops to Gorkha. The troops captured and hanged him to death with his friend Ajay Singh Chumi Magar. Some historians write the government captured 50 youths and hanged all of them along with Lakhan Thapa. But one of the descendants of Jung Bahadur Rana has otherwise opted to dismiss Thapa's martyrdom. But all renowned historians of Nepal have attested that Lakhan Thapa was hanged to death. Junga Bahadur Rana had risen to power with brutal massacre of the nobles of Nepal Durbar. The Kot Massacre was the beginning of 'black days' of Nepalese history. Junga Bahadur Rana was a ruthless ruler. It can't be even imagined such a cruel ruler, who had risen to power through conspiracy and bloodbath would have left anyone unharmed, who had opposed him so vigorously for the first time.
Another historian and then Director General of Nepal Government's Department of Archaeology has written that Jung Bahadur Rana's tyrannic rule had reached its optimum limit; people had suffered beyond imagination. Therefore, Thapa began to organize people against the government. Taking some ex-army-men into his organization, Thapa began a rebellion from Bunkot, Kahule Bhangar in Gorkha. People overwhelmingly supported Thapa's movement. His organization grew leaps and bounds. In the meantime, government secret service agents reported what Thapa was doing against the Rana regime. That was a 'first ever political movement against any Nepalese government' which was totally corrupt and tyrannic, extremely unpopular and fundamentally against the public interest. Jung Bahadur Rana thought, he must stop the rebellion or else he had no future. So, Jung Bahadur sent his troops to crush the rebellion. While Lakhan Thapa and his seven friends were in a secret meeting, the government army got into there and captured all of them. The troops searched and found 60 guns and other arms and ammunition also. Thapa and other captives, arms and ammunition were brought into Kathmandu. Jung Bahadur thought to eliminate Thapa and other rebels and ordered to hang them. After sometime, Thapa was hanged in front of his residence in Bungkot and rest other seven were hanged near Manokamana temple
Martyr Lakhan Thapa Magar is a source of inspiration to all to fight for a greater cause. In those days, before a tyrant like Jung Bahadur Rana he stood strong and resilient. Pudma Jung Rana's description of the event speaks so. Pudma Jung's description of Lakhan Thapa declaring himself a king, copied by most of the historians of Nepal, is unfounded, baseless and provoking. The Thapa Magars of Gorkha never stood against Shah Kings of Nepal. The Thapa Magars of Gorkha have shed no lesser blood than any other group of people in the making of modern Nepal. In the same light, Lakhan Thapa's sacrifice and martyrdom needs to be judged and recognized. The martyr can't be judged by today's definition of martyrdom. We have to see him through his own time when Nepal had mostly illiterate society that would have believed in superstitions. The author Pudma Jung Rana's another description of the martyr Thapa as " in the habit of masquerading as a saint about the streets of Gorkha and extorting money from the simple minded rustics who gave ordinance to his pretensions" is also totally unacceptable. Lakhan Thapa Magar was a popular leader of the people, he could not have done so. Likewise accusation hurled against the martyr as "assuming that disguise merely for bread" is horribly wrong because Martyr Lakhan Thapa belonged to Saint Lakhan Thapa -I, the advisor of King Ram Shah and priests of Manokamana Temple discussed above or a well-to-do family of the Magars. There is a huge plot of land dedicated to the deity and which is still cultivated by her priests - the Thapa Magars of Manokamana, Gorkha. The Thapa Magars of Gorkha held highest political positions in the Gorkha Kingdom. So accusations like those certainly make Pudma Jung Bahadur Rana's description, the only and acclaimed authentic description, baseless and biased. This very author's description blocked Martyr Lakhan Thapa from being recognized as a martyr of Nepal for long.
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