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How to protect your blogspot from hackers

The worst day of any blogger’s life would be the day on which his blog got hacked. There are a lot of hackers online there trying to hack one or the other website. They have even started hacking blogs these days. Be it a popular blog or be it a very new blog, hackers are targeting them all. Nobody wants to see their hard work maligned by a hacking attempt. Keeping your blog safe from mischievous hackers is possible by thinking ahead and ensuring that your data is as secure as you can make it.  So follow the easy steps that i mention below to protect your blog.
Protect from phishing
One of the common tricks hackers used in hacking bloggers is through phishing, am not saying blog can only be hacked through, because here are so many way blog can be hacked but the common one is through phishing.  1 if you received an email from your hosting services such as blogger etc that ask you to click the link and login, immediate you clicked the link and it load a login page...DO NOT LOGIN...I repeat DO NOT LOGIN.... it may be a phishing just type in your address bar your hosting company such as
Never Share Your Blogger Account Email ID
Never Share Your Blogger Account Email Address With Any Other Persons. Use Another Email Address for Your Official uses. Never Publish Your Own Blogger Account Email Address On Your Blog.
Never Give Admin Powers to Other Persons
Yes! Never give admin powers for other strange persons. It’s Very Danger for Your Blogger/Blog spot Blog.
Never forget to Sign out of your Account
Well, this is a common tip but can prove very dangerous if ignored. Always remember that you have sign out especially when using Public Computers.
Choose a Strong Password
This is a first steps to protect your email from hackers. Always choose a secure password. Never use dictionary words as your passwords as brute force password crackers can crack them easily. Choose a password which is a combination of alphabets, numbers and special signs ($, %, ^ etc) this will reduce chances of your password getting leaked.
Set 2 Step Verification Process
This is last and only one technical process to protect your account from hackers. 2 Step Verification Process Is One Of The Best Way To Protect Your Google Account. Go TO Account Settings Of Your Google Account And Set 2 Step Verification Process.
 Never challenge Hacker
In conclusion, whatever you do to protect your blog you never protect your blog from hackers if they want. So don’t challenge them through your blog because they really exist there. Be polites bloggers and write in good topics.  I mean don’t do competition with hackers because I see many so called junior hackers hacked by seniors hackers.


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