Thalajung is a village development committee located in Gorkha district, Gandaki Zone, in the administrative map of Nepal. The village is accessible by two graveled roads that meet at Thalajung Bhanjyang, which stretches north up to Bhachek and Barpak villages. The first one diverges at Abu Khaireni from Prithivi highway, from where it follows a graveled road along the banks of Daraudi river up to Siranchok danda where the village is located. The next road starts at Dumre along the Marsyangdi valley en route the old bazaars like Bhansar, Turture, Palungtar, Salletar and Borang khola. The newly dug stretch of this road from Borang khola across the historic Chepe river banks, where the Shah Kings of Lamjung and Gorkha fought wars over territorial claims, winds up to Thalajung Bhanjyang near the village.

Paragliding from Siranchok danda below Marsyangdi and Chepe river valley, rafting and canoeing in Chepe river, pilgrimage to Dudh pokhari, and treks to Tsum valley, Barpak, and Laprak villages along the Manaslu circuit trail provides immense tourism opportunities in this region. Like all other villages in Nepal, people from this village have migrated to cities for better opportunities. Now what makes this village a beautiful hill station, a cultural and natural heritage spot, will depend on the cooperation between those who left the village and those who chose to remain due to various reasons. The future of Thalajung village depends on its people as the old folks used to say, \" afno gau afai banau \".
Article by: Bimal Gurung
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