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Laptop restarting automatically ? Here are the solution !

Sometimes you will see your laptop getting restarted or shutdown automatically without any instruction from your side. May be you find this issue very often and all the works you were doing (without saving) are gone. This is a frustrating scenario when you are working on some important stuff and your laptop restarts without any notice. Of course this is an improper restart or shutdown and may damage your laptop’s hardware like Hard Disk or may damage your Operating System like Windows. Blue screen and restart is a common problem with laptops. Though the problems sometimes is very normal type.  We should learn the basic reasons behind this beacuse there may be different reasons for this common problem.

The major reasons for the automatic reboot of your PC are
1. Virus or Malware
2 Software /driver conflicts on your laptop
3 Hardware Failure
 i. Heat related issues
ii. Corrupted system memory
iii. Dust particles in your system cabinet
iv. possible loose connection

And the "BLUE SCREEN ERROR". usually face in the following situations.
1. If you have installed any software which is not compatible with your operating syestm.
2. If you try to play high graphic resolution games with out a graphic card.
3. If you have done any hardware changes in your syestm.
4. If any of the external hardware connected to your system doesnot suppoeted bt your system.
5. If your system is effected with a virus.(I used to face this kind of problem because of this reason)

             To solve this problem, you should follow below mentioned steps
1. Remove any additional hardware like keybord or mouse or printer or any external hard disks or any thing.
2. Try to undo the hardware changes if u have done any
3. start the system in SAFEMODE (by pressing F8 while startup, u will go to OS selection Menu)
4. 5o to command promt and enter "chkdsk /f" this checks your hardsisk. do it in all drives.
5. Try to restore your system to an earlier time when it used to work properly
5. if this doesnt work, then try repairing your operating system if u have an OS CD. ( By selecting "Repair" when doing the OS installation)
6.if this doenst work then re install your OS by formatting all your hard disk. (Format everything)
7. If you still get the same problem after immediate restart of your system after a fresh installation, then you may have to send your system to a service center for hardware repair.
   Also follow the following steps
Step 1. Change the CMOS battery on your motherboard
Step 2. Clean  the motherboard, Cable Slots of Hard disk, RAM Slots, CD Drive Slot etc inside the CPU box
Step 3. Attach one more fan inside the box to exhaust the hot air from inside the box to outside
Step 4. Install a good Anti-Virus program on your system and run full system scan. Checkout free versions of good Antivirus or Internet Security programs
Step 5. In case your systems is still restarting frequently then go ahead and format the hard disk and install a fresh copy of operating system

Finally if you didnot find any problem with your laptops hardware and software, then do the following steps. Don't use this setting with defective hardwre.
steps 1
a. Right click Computer.
b. Click on Properties.
c. Advanced System Settings.
d. Advanced Tab.
e. Startup and Recovery Settings.
f. Uncheck Automatically restart.
Step 2
Try troubleshooting this issue with clean boot.
Refer the following Microsoft KB article:
How to troubleshoot a problem by performing a clean boot in Windows Vista or in Windows 7
Note: After troubleshooting, make sure to put the computer to start as usual as mentioned in Step 7 in the above KB article.
For more help, refer this below provided help article.


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