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Post HTML Codes Without Changing In your Blog

sometime , if we try to post code (HTML, javascript), just by pasting it in and hitting PREVIEW, several  change can be seen. If we try to post the ode in our blog directly, so the code will produce the result of it's code not the code it self. If you have a blog theme tutorial learn about blogs, you definitely have to post some HTML Codes. So here is the trick to post a html code without changing its format and your followers can copy your code directly from your post without loosing it.

first method.
Just find the following orginal code in your html code and changed it to the given code. Other code must be same or unchanged.

Orginal code
changed code

For example;-before changing , i have a code which i want to post ....   <a href=""><img src=""alt="click here for thanks " /></a>

After changing a code looklike as following:-    
&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;;alt=&quot;click here for thanks &quot; /&gt;&lt;/a&gt;

Second method
Just paste your code in the following converter box and click convert.  after that you will get converted code  ready for your post.


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