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Make "BackLink to me" Widget Easily

Do you want to know Where to get free backlinks? This is a free, fast, and simple immediate automatic backlinks for optimizing your blog or web page on search engines result.Everyone knows how important backlinks are to getting a good rank.
Here, we offer a backlink for free and very fast for your sites. Copy the html code first (no change needed), and then paste to your website or blog.To view your backlink you can click the image link from your website or blog. And well... your website url done and will be displaying in first references.If any visitors click this banner from your website or blog, your url backlink will be creating automatically in this website.You can build backlink as many as you want, no limitation and restriction, but no spam ! Wish your website's ranking quickly on Top Google, Yahoo and Alexa! 
                     Now make your own Backlink widgets easily
First of all Make a Small Logo of your blog,which can easily fit into any blog sidebars.It should be small and pretty Then upload the small image or logo if you want and note the url of this uploaded image Then  Copy the following Code into a Text File and modify the url and name in this code

<p>If you like this blog,then link back to me. Copy and paste following code in your website or blog..</p>
<div style="text-align: center;">
<a style="border:0px;text-decoration:none;" href="Your_Blog_URL" title="Your_Blog_Title">
<img alt="Your_Blog_Title" style="border: 0px;" src="Url_of_a_Small_logo_of_your_blog"/>
<textarea rows="3" cols="30">
&lt;a href="Your_Blog_URL" title="Your_Blog_Title" style="text-decoration:none;border:0;"&gt;
&lt;img src="Url_of_a_Small_logo_of_your_blog" alt="Your_Blog_Title" style="border:0" /&gt;

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

<form action="" method="post" target="_blank">
<input style="display: none;" value="My Favourite Site" name="widget.title"/>
<textarea style="display: none;" name="widget.content">
&lt;a href="Your_Blog_URL" title="Your_Blog_Title" style="text-decoration:none;border:0;"&gt;
&lt;img src="Url_of_a_Small_logo_of_your_blog" alt="Your_Blog_Title" style="border:0" /&gt;
<input style="border:0px;" src="" value="Link To Your_Blog_Title" name="go" type="image"/>

In this code replace all highlighted code with the proper url and name of  Your_Blog_Title . Your_Blog_URL  and with .Url_of_a_Small_logo_of_your_blog
Then go to your tamplate, add gadgets ,select HTML and paste this code. The above code look like following code

If you like this blog,then link back to me. Copy and paste following code in your website or blog.
backlink for you

Or click following to link and use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog

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