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Html table for Blogpost.

Currently it is not possible to add table in Blogger post through compose tab because blogger doesn't provide that option. If any one want to add table in blogger blog then it can be added by adding HTML code in HTML body of Blog post. Tables are the best ways to display tabulated information especially when you want to align you information to make it easy to read and understand. Inside this table, you can also highlight text, add images and hyperlinks to make your information easily presentable

                           simple table for blogpost                

Just put the following code in your blog post in the html section.

< style type="text/css">.nobrtable br { display: none } tr {text-align: center;} tr.alt td {background-color: #eeeecc; color: black;} tr {text-align: center;} caption {caption-side:bottom;} </style>
< div class="nobrtable">
< table border="2" bordercolor="#0033FF" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #6afb92;">
< caption><b>Blogger Table caption</b></caption>
< tbody>
< tr style="background-color: #0033ff; color:#ffffff; padding-bottom: 4px; padding-top: 5px;">
< th>Table Header<br />
< /th>
< th>Table Header<br /><br />
< /th>
< th>Table Header<br />
< /th>
< th>Table Header<br />
< /th>
< th>Table Header<br />
< /th>
< /tr>
< tr class="”alt”">
<td>Table Cell<br />
< /td>
< td>Table Cell<br />
< /td>
< td>Table Cell<br />
< /td>
< td>Table Cell<br />
< /td>
< td>Table Cell<br />
< /td>
< /tr>
< tr>
< td>Table Cell<br />
< /td>
< td>Table Cell <br />
< /td>
< td>Table Cell<br />
< /td>
< td>Table Cell<br />
< /td>
< td>Table Cell <br />
< /td>
< /tr>
< tr class="”alt”">
<td>Table Cell<br />
< /td>
< td>Table Cell<br />
< /td>
< td>Table Cell<br />
< /td>
< td>Table Cell<br />
< /td>
< td>Table Cell <br />
< /td>
< /tr>
< /table>
< /div>

If you want to change background colour . change the code  background-color:   0033ff            If you want to add table in row add  the code in every group of code    < td>Table Cell<br />      if you want to add table in colume  just put the hole group code .      
< tr>
< td>Table Cell<br />
< /td>
< td>Table Cell <br />
< /td>
< td>Table Cell<br />
< /td>
< td>Table Cell<br />
< /td>
< td>Table Cell <br />

And finally you have done
Table Header Table Header

Table Header Table Header Table Header
Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell
Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell
Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell Table Cell
click here for thanks

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