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Increase Traffic To Your Blog Easily

Getting traffic to blog is a very tough job for blogger. Every one needs traffic to their blog whether you are blogging for.  Most of the Newbie’s write good content but they don’t the traffic and most of them get disappointed. They always think that they can only generate traffic to their blog from search engines by doing some SEO, but this is completely wrong. There are many different ways to increase your blog traffic. Here we are listing some ways to increase your blog traffic.
Write Well and Write Often
Frequently updating your blog with useful content is the first step to building your blog's audience. The content you write is what will keep readers coming back for more. Make sure you have something meaningful to say to them and say it often to maintain their interest and keep them loyal.
Search Engine Optimization
When you write your blog posts and pages, remember to optimize your pages for search engines to find them. Include relevant keywords and links but don't overload your posts with too many relevant keywords or completely irrelevant keywords. Doing so can be considered spamming and could have negative results such as your blog being removed from Google's search entirely.
Tag Your Posts
It takes a few extra seconds to add tags to each of your blog posts, but it's worth the time in terms of the additional traffic tags can drive to your blog. Tags (like links) are easily noticed by search engines.
Conduct Keyword Research While Writing Your Posts
Not surprisingly, a big part of showing up in search engines is targeting the terms and phrases your audience are actually typing into a search engine. It's hard to know what these words will be unless you do some research, and luckily, there's a free tool from Google to help called the AdWords Keyword Tool.
Submit Your Blog to Search Engines
Get on the radar screen for the popular search engines such as Google and Yahoo! by submitting your blog's URL to them. Most search engines provide a 'Submit' link (or something similar) to notify the search engine of your new blog, so those search engines will crawl it and include your pages in their results.
Interact on Other Blogs' Comments
As bloggers, we see a lot of comments. Many are spam, only a few add real value, and even fewer are truly fascinating and remarkable. If you can be in this final category consistently, in ways that make a blogger sit up and think "man, I wish that person commented here more often!" you can achieve great things for your own site's visibility through participation in the comments of other blogs
Say Yes to Guest posting
Guest posting is an effective way to get back links for your blog. while you offer guest posts on blogs, having huge traffic, you are actually introducing your existence, asking them to come and visit your blog-thus follow you!
Use of fast loading theme -
Another blog tip that you need to follow is adding a professional theme on your WordPress blog. There are lots of themes available in WordPress. You can go for Swift Basic which is free, or you can go for Thesis or Genesis Frameworks which are paid. I am suggesting you to go with these themes because they have more features and they take less time to load the page. People and search engines love sites that loads quicker than others.
Customize 404 Error Pages -
You should customize 404 error pages in such a way that it looks appealing to your blog visitor in case your visitor gets it. If a person gets a 404 error page then he/she should click on another link in your blog instead of closing your blog’s window and searching for other site. This will help in decreasing the bounce rate of your blog and prevent you from losing precious traffic.


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