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How to uploads musics only in Youtube

Unfortunately, YouTube does not recognize common audio file extensions, such as .mp3, .mp4, .aac and so forth. Therefore, you cannot upload your tracks directly from your computer to the website's servers. Instead, you must first convert the audio files into video files that YouTube can recognize.
use windows movie maker (included in your windows machine)... it can help you make beautiful slideshow or video clip(e.g. mixing your songs with pictures/video/lyric/etc).... then save it as video file such as wmv file format... finally upload
Open Windows Live Movie Maker or the video editing software of your choosing. Add a picture to your film reel by clicking the "Add Photos and Video" option. Browse for a picture on your computer that is relevant to the song you are uploading. For instance, if uploading one of your band's songs, it would be a good idea to use a photo of your band performing.

Click on the "Add Music" tab on the task bar. Browse for the song that you intend to upload and import it. Select the "Fit to Music" option to ensure that your video will run for the duration of the audio file that you chose. Choose the bitrate that you feel is needed for the file, and export the video as a .wmv (Windows Media Video) file using your program's built-in encoder. Keep in mind that the higher the quality of a file is, the longer it will take to upload to YouTube's servers.

Create a youtube account....
In your home page after siging in, you will find your username on the top most right corner with a icon of a T.V. just take your mouse over it you will find a option of "My Videos" click on it...and you will be routed to my videos page and in that page you will find a button named "NEW" in left side, just take your mouse over it and you will see an option of "Video upload"..just go there & Click on it ..then click "choose file" button ,one dialog box will open and inside it just choose a video file and upload clicking on upload button.....lets check my audio song only in youtube channel


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