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How to check your site value

Every webmaster or site owner want to know his/her site’s value. But there are lot of tools available on the internet to calculate the value of a site . Owning a website is like owning a claim in the gold rush era. The longer you own your domain, the more valuable it gets and the more other web developers would love to snatch it up. Don't make the mistake of selling your site for less than what it's worth or even letting it expire for free. Here are some good blog worth checker that check your blog total selling value. To check value just put your blog url in the required format.

This free calculator calculates the location of the servers of the website on Google maps along with other vital stats of your website.
This website calculator calculates the worth of the site freely and displays the stats of the site in a graphical format.
This free calculates the value of your website based on the stats entered by you in the form of the website. The stats include your PageRank, Alexa ranking, monthly traffic etc.
This website estimates the value of the website based on many factors like pages indexed, number of sites linked, popularity and many other factors.

No other free web service inside this guide is as clear as SiteValueCheck to explain how much your website is worth and WHY. Instead of giving you just an estimate of your website value (providing little or no explanation of how that result was obtained), SiteValueCheck shares detailed info on each and every criteria that is used for scoring your site. Data used to estimate your site is: Google PageRank, Alexa Traffic Ranking, backlinks depth, average popularity of related web sites, age of search engine presence, and webpages load times. Unfortunately, the report you get is not customizable nor you can reach it at a specific URL.

Stimator measures the value of your website using the following data: relevance of the domain (.com scores more than .org or .net), inbound links, ranking of your site inside search engines, financial market fluctuations, and social media mentions.

Unlike the other services included in this guide, ValueMyWeb does not provide you an immediate result of the worth of your site, but rather processes your domain and e-mails you a unique link to access your own report. (Not customizable) data taken into account is: Google PageRank, Alexa Traffic Ranking, organic keywords value, and social media mentions. At the bottom of the webpage with your report, there is also a small piece of HTML code you can copy and embed onto any website to show people how your website has scored.

URL Appraisal

URL Appraisal is a web service that evaluates your website using a proprietary algorithm. The service uses data from your domain age, Google PageRank, Alexa Traffic Ranking, Google inbound links, Yahoo! inbound links and URL marketability. Inside the About Us section of URL Appraisal website, you are explained how data is processed and calculated. The report of your website value is not customizable. You can share the score of your site using an embeddable widget or a URL which is unique to you.
Website Valued estimates how much your website is worth using data about your daily visitors, advertising revenue, sales revenue, and active subscribers. To get a tailored report of your website value, choose a specific period of time and then let the service generate again your site score. Unfortunately, you are not explained how Website Valued calculates the value of your site. With a dedicated URL for each site submitted to the service, you can access or share your own report page without launching Website Valuated again. No widget available.
WebsiteOutlook :
website outlook

This website is one of the best place in the world to measure the popularity of your blog and website. The website maintains a proper panel to analyze your investments and suggests ways to improve it.
web worth
This website calculator calculates the worth of the site freely and displays the stats of the site in a graphical format.




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