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Effective Communication Skills for success

Communication means transferring thoughts and ideas with an intention of delivering information. This article is going to articulate some of the techniques for effective communication. If you follow these techniques, surely success is not far away.
Listen attentively to everything they say.
Don’t focus too much on what you’re going to say next as they are talking. Instead, listen to every word they say and respond back as relevantly and smoothly as possible. This shows people that you are truly listening to what they have to say and you are fully engaged and in the moment with them. Also make sure to ask questions whenever there’s something they say that you don’t quite understand. You want to avoid all possible lapses in communication if you want to develop a fully engaged relationship with that person.

Honesty is very important here. Whenever you are expressing yourself, talking truthfully and honestly will send out a signal that you trust your audience. Speak clearly and properly. Also try to be precise about the subject that you are speaking on. Do not beat around the bush. This will only confuse your audience. Besides, if your audience is getting confused, the entire purpose of your self-expression is getting defeated.

Taking Criticism Positively
If someone comes to you with criticism, it's just a natural human response to defend your stance. Try to take criticism positively and constructively. If the criticism is very hard to take and emotional, then the chances are that the person you are communicating with is in distress. Try to empathize with the person and resonate your words in a very mild language.

Avoiding Arguments
Most often than not, whenever you are trying to have a healthy conversation, it turns into an argument. Arguing does nothing but wastes your time. Try to avoid getting into such situations. And even if you get into such a situation, instead of trying to win the argument, find an amicable solution in a constructive way.

Understanding the Audience
You need to be able to understand your audience, as they are the ones for whom you are speaking. Do not send out your message before you are absolutely sure that they will grasp what you are saying. For example; suppose the quality of work of a junior employee is really hampering the overall performance of the team, and you are really concerned about his work, do not issue an official warning straight away. Try to understand the perception of the employee and then think of taking any action.
Appear to have a slightly higher energy level than the other person.
Generally, people want to be around those who lift them up, instead of bringing them down. If you consistently have a lower energy level than other people, they will naturally gravitate away from you in favor of someone who is more energetic. To prevent this from happening, consistently indicate with your voice and your body language that you have a slightly higher energy level so that they’ll feel more energized and positive while around you. Don’t be so energetic that you put people off, but have just the right amount of energy and aliveness that will slightly build up their enthusiasm.
It's one of the most common occurrence at the workplace, that a colleague does exactly opposite to what you want him to do. You keep wondering, why has he done so. You keep thinking of many reasons for that. Maybe the colleague did not listen to you or maybe he did not understand what you said. But the worst possibility could be the deliberate inaction. What do you do in that scenario? Well, you take a feedback. Without taking proper feedback, you wouldn't know the perspective of the person in front of you. Only through feedback you will know why he or she did or did not do what they were asked to do.

Communication does not simply refer to merely articulating words. Body language, hand gestures, along with other factors, play an important role for communicating your point. I hope that some of the techniques of effective communication mentioned here help the reader in more than one way.


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