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Easily Copy Text From a Protected Web Page /blogs

Internet is a place full of interesting websites which contain lots of article to print and copy on your computer. Right click on any internet browser is very important element and we must use it when it comes to copy or editing texts and etc and it’s very important when it comes to webmasters too. But some people may use it in a bad way, so some web site  disabled  right click function on their web site
 to protect their text, images links and etc… But websites aren't around forever and sometimes users may want to download the site content as referenced material for future use, in case the site goes down. The text may also be needed if the material in question is being used as a direct quote and is properly cited and sourced. The method to copy protected text described here has the highest rate of success, but there are other ways to copy content from protected web pages.  The trouth is that "If It Can Be Seen, It Can Be Copied." So here are the method to copy protected meterial from any website.
1, Disable or circumvent CSS. CSS, for Cascading Style Sheets, is actually an incredibly powerful approach to defining web page look and feel and behaviour. Using CSS it's quite possible to disable or modify the way web pages behave. It's also easy to turn off: in FireFox click on View,Page Style and then click on No Style. The page will be re-rendered without CSS and the result, which typically visually unappealing, may well be copy-able.

2, Disable Javascript. Many sites will use Javascript to implement copy protection. Disabling Javascript, in turn, disables the copy protection completely. (That happened to be the case with the example site. It also disabled a number of popup ads as a bonus.) for this function  go to tools>options>content>click on box before java script then  copy the text and enjoy.
The easiest way is to use Firefox and the "NoScript" plugin which allows you enable or disable Javascript on a site-by-site basis.

3, Go to the web page you wish to grab the content from. Copy this code and paste it on your browser address bar:javascript:void(document.onselectstart=null) .Press Enter. Copy and Paste whatever text you wish!

4, Try to save the copy-protected web page as HTML file, and then from that HTML file, you can try to extract plain text and copy that. The HTML file can be saved using the Save As option available in most browsers. Alternatively, you can View Source of the web page, and then save the source as a text file.


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