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Method to Make Any website Auto Refresh

Auto refresh /auto reload  is required sometime when you visit web site that updates info frequently. Some online job need updated web page for recently updated information. Online store, news   site also require updated webpage for updated new information.
So here is some trick to make your site and others site refresh regularly in a certain time interval.
1, Making own website automatically refresh
If you want to make your site/blog automatically updated/refreshed in a certain time periods follow the following trick.
META method
Just paste the following code below the <head> section of your html page.


 Simply modify the “content” to reflect the amount of seconds to wait (15 second in this case) and the URL destination /destination page.
JavaScript method
Just paste the following code in the head of your document:

<SCRIPT language= "JavaScript">
SetTimeout ('location.href=""', 15000);
Just change the “location.href” is the URL to refresh and the amount to wait is measured in milliseconds
2 Auto refresh for others website in your computer
If you need auto refresh for others site like YouTube, face book, eBay, (any other site) follow the following method.
Notepad method
Just open and copy paste the following code

<meta http-equiv="refresh"
<FRAME src="http://www.yoursite">

Then change the "your site URL" with your required site and 60 for your required time interval for refreshment the site. After that save the notepad yoursite.html.  IF you don’t save it as a yoursite.html. It does not work.
By help of site and application.
If you don’t like a code for auto refresh just go to the website or Then input your site URL and time interval for auto refresh. After that click start buttons and your site will automatically refreshed in this time interval.
kishor kc bungkot gorkha
Otherwise just downloads the small software from the following website and make your webpage refresh automatically.


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