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Showing posts from March, 2015

Apn setting for du and etisalat uae

ETISALAT Name : DATA Package APN: Proxy: Not Set User Name: Not Set Password: Not Set Server: Not Set MMSC: Not Set MMS Proxy: Not Set MMS Port Not Set MCC: 424 MNC: 02 Authentication Type: PAP APN type: default, supl * it has separate configuration for its MMS Name: Etisalat MMS APN: etisalat Proxy: Not Set Port: Not Set Username: Not Set Server: Not Set MMSC:  http://mms/servlets/mms MMS Proxy: MMS Port: 8080 MCC: 424 MNC: 02 Authentication type: PAP APN type: MMS Bearer: Unspecified DU Name: du APN: du Proxy: Not set Port: Not set User Name: Not set Password: Not Set Server: Not Set MMSC: MMS Proxy: MMS Port: 8080 MCC: 424 MNC: 03 Authentication type: PAP APN Type: default, mms, supl Bearer:unspecified

Shape of normal distribution when standard deviation is ZERO

When standard deviation is zero, you will not have a curve with a shape, but just the middle line that represents the mean/median/mode For any distribution, the smallest possible value for the standard deviation is zero. From the definition of the normal distribution centered at 0,  , we can't just set  , because we can not divide by zero. Instead, we should examine what happens as  . We know that   is fundamentally related to what people interpret as the 'width' of the distribution. So, as   know that the 'width' of the distribution will get narrower. The area under the distribution always has to integrate to zero, so the 'height' of the distribution will get taller to compensate for decreasing 'width.' Taking this to its logic conclusion, we have a distribution function that is zero everywhere except that the center (in the above example, at x=0) and at x=0 is..... well.... that is kind of the rub. Infinity isn't really a number that it makes...

A coefficient of variation (CV)

A statistical measure of the dispersion of data points in a data series around the mean. It is calculated as follows: The coefficient of variation represents the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean, and it is a useful statistic for comparing the degree of variation from one data series to another, even if the means are drastically different from each other.

What is standard deviation (SD)

If data values are all equal to one another, then the standard deviation is zero. If a high proportion of data points lie near the  mean  value, then the standard deviation is small. An experiment that yields data with a low standard deviation is said have high  precision . If a high proportion of data points lie far from the mean value, then the standard deviation is large. An experiment that yields data with a high standard deviation is said to have low precision. The following quantities/equations are quantitative measures of precision. The equations provide precision measures for a limited number of repetitive measurements, i.e. between 2 and 20. The equation at the end is the  true standard deviation  for any number of repeat measurements. The mean or average ,  , is calculated from: